Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 2, 2014

I've decided blogging might be the best way to keep all of my family and friends back home up to date on life here in Sweden.  This is going to be difficult for me (I'm not a big talker... as most of you know) but I'm going to give it a try. 

I have been going to SFI (Swedish for Immigrants) for about nine months now.  When I first started I understood absolutely nothing and didn't think I would ever really be able to speak another language... but surprise, Jag kan förstå och tala lite svenska nu (I can understand and speak a little Swedish now)!  It has been such a cool experience meeting people from all around the world and learning about their homelands and cultures.  

The scenery here is so beautiful.  It takes about 20 minutes for me to walk to school and along the way there are little streams/creeks.  Andre still thinks it's funny every time I make a huge deal about them, they are normal to him, but to me... I feel like I'm walking in a movie sometimes. I took this picture walking to school a few weeks ago:

I love you all and will post more soon!